Royal Artillery
Monday, January 09, 2006Rebel's Royal Artillery set was strategically located at various touchpoints of the living room when I got home late last night. "He brought all these out from the bedroom?" I questioned my Queen (aka mummy). "Ya." was her monotunous reply.
Rebel keeps himself occupied for most of the day that I'm out at work. With at least 10 hours of absence each day, he's got to find something to do besides taking really long afternoon naps. Bringing him over to the local breeder's place was great. Unfortunately, he didn't get to meet his brother, but hey, he got a pedicure. Ever since I caused Jesses' nail to bleed attempting to cut her nails, I've induced a phobia against nail cutting for dogs. It's just plain scary how much blood can ooze out from that little nail, you know? Anyway, Rebel was a pretty obedient boy that day. I watched him marked his terrority dutifully like a Royal Prince in front of a real show dog. Usually, he just pees like a girl. No lifting the leg up or anything, just sissy squating. After his pedicure session, we hung out at JJ's place. Believe this or not, Rebel did his business on the newspapers as told - without needing a familiar scent.
He tasted his first gourmet wet dog food today for breakfast. Beef & liver delicacy served 3 hours late because dear ol me couldn't bring myself to wake up in time. Well, I'm sure it was worth the wait.
Yes, I'm the one who has to bring his artillery back into the room.